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Old 24-12-2007, 10:36 PM
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Wiiha Wiiha is offline
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Wiiha at standard level

yeah it depends on the group your mainly targeting. Most likely customers with the high-end cars would do this. But then again, i hear alot of people complaining that they got their cars keyed. Depending on the level of damage, you would have to fork out a bit of money to repair the damage. So why not simply pay some1 a reasonable rate to watch over your car? Would save you the paranoia..

However when i was walking along Roe Street in nb i saw a security guard sitting on his ass sleeping when he's supposed to be watching the parking lot.. he's just their because he thinks its easy money. I'm talking about people who will WATCH your car every minute that your gone and has that motivation.

Last edited by Wiiha; 24-12-2007 at 10:39 PM.