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Old 23-01-2008, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by superman
don't listen to this pin heads like Pimpreza.. my quess he has no idea about cars .. just like taking the piss out of people..
it seem like your mechanic did not bleed the cooling system the right way and if you have no leaks then it will take water out of your over flow bottle until or the air is out... best way to bleed it is to turn your heater taps on take the cap off and have the engine running at 2000 rpm until your themo fans kick in..
if you still have the problem after topping the over flow bottle a couple times.. i would be getting the mechanic to pressure test your cooling system to see if their are any leaks before you start doing some damage. i hope that help..
This will only work if the radiator cap is the highest point in the cooling system, sometimes it isn't.

Doing an EJ timing belt would require taking the radiator out correct? If so its prob just some air in the system that hasn't been expelled. And now that it has, it took the water in your overflow to take its place.

If your still loosing water in a week, put your cap on with one little turn, dont put it on all the way. This will reduce pressure untill you can book it into the mechanics. Just make sure you have a good anti-boil as lowering pressure in the system also lowers the boiling point of the coolant.
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