Thread: Internet help.
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Old 29-01-2008, 09:58 PM
krazcool krazcool is offline
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I have exactly the same thing happening to me at the moment. It was all fine until X'mas day. That's when it starts disconnecting and reconnecting every few minutes. It also re-connected at a very slow speed. I'm with Up'N'Away, which is now Iinet. I've changed filters and tried 3 different routers already, still re-authenticating every so often. I also know another person that's having the exact same problem, he's with Iinet as well. had two Telstra tech came to check already. 1st one came and move my modem to another phone point, it authenticated 3 times and he deemed it fixed. I came home to find out that it has been re-authenticating through out the whole day. 2nd Tech came out and fixed a split wire at the front of the house, and then deemed it fixed. Which I came home to find that it's doing exactly the same problem....Please!!....if someone has an answer...let me know!
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