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Old 20-12-2005, 03:04 PM
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Originally Posted by geoff
Just the other day i had a woman driving an X-Trail or something like that absolutely box me in, she was doing everything she could to keep me from getting into the empty lane, including swerving into mine and generally being menacing.

It was a 100 zone, and her and the truck she was boxing me in with were both doing 80.

I have NO idea why - and it was obvious i wanted to get into the other lane (i was running late). I ended up just pulling right back so she'd thought she'd "won" and then i blasted past.

Anyway, i find that sort of behaviour by 4wd owners just disgusting. They weigh tonnes more than regular cars, and between her and the truck i would have ended up minced. And they drive like they own the road. I almost never encounter 'road rage' except from 4wd owners.
Mate, I get this all the bloody time! It's totally nuts. I agree, I usually take the piss from other drivers in my head (or out loud) but it's only these 4WD drivers that get my blood rushing.

Had one last year with my 1.5lt GLi. Was at lights on Harborne where it goes from 2 to 1 lane. I went at dodgy lancer pace (slow as). This Kluger decided very late they wanted to get infront and swiped on my outside so close to the car I had to swearve and threshold brake just to miss him. I ended up on the curb and totally f^%$ed one of my Avanti rims. He just kept on driving while I held up traffic behind trying to get my car off the curb.
Once there was a WRX... and I miss THX1138 the first.
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