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Old 10-02-2008, 09:37 AM
charlie charlie is offline
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Originally Posted by Silent
First one

So im driving to work, not hammering my car or anything just another day towards work. Driving down tonkin hwy, nobody tailgaiting me, nobody speeding or doing anything too stupid at the time, Seems like nothing can happen right.
Then all the sudden i saw the car next to me getting closer and closer, i was thinking "is this guy asleep on the wheel" then i noticed HE was actually switching lanes, forget checking blind spots mate.. he just switched straight into me, touching my side mirror with his. Not only did that piss me off i did not evne have time to honk as i was quick to take to the service lane and speed in front to avoid any major accident. Had i been somewhat unlucky and there was a car already on the service lane there would have been bigger collision. All in all as angry as i was i let it go and continued my journey towards work. Probably took it out my anger on my fellow workmates though
exact same thing happened to me on south west highway.... not pretty at 'form one lane' signs....
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