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Old 14-02-2008, 09:27 AM
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WHITEMY08 WHITEMY08 is offline
Sir AntiLag
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WHITEMY08 at standard level

I was in the defence force for 8 years and just got out last year.
ONLY go in if you get the career you want.........
Otherwise you will be spending your ROSO saying this is fuct.

Take advice from people that have done the career you are interested in not some desk jockey clerk who has landed himself a dream posting in the city with Recruitment or worse still a civi who knows nothing except what they have read.

I completely enjoyed what I did and only moved on due to family and the need for a new Rex.
The money is ok, not fantastic...... they just make it sound good.
But most of all do what you want to do.
3" Invidia Zorst
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