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Old 22-02-2008, 06:05 PM
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WRX Hi Five Club
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CATELUS at standard level

I've had my fair share already still being on p's.

1st was Peak hour traffic, doing 40k's, low cast, R8 infront/ boom! = neg driving 3 points $360 fine.

2nd time i went to a hooning area to show of the RS as i just bought it, everyone was honking their horns, and i rang up a mate that was 2 meters away from me in a car to figure out where to go next as u coudlnt hear a damn thing, as the cops were kicking everyone out. Unmarked cop was facing me as i did a u-ey. As soon as i dropped my phone, i rolled a bit and got me for talking on the phone while driving. 3 points and
$400 fine.

Now im on 1 point till 2010.

And recently i ran a red light camera going to a club on friday night. Sooo... expecting to most likely loose my license for 3 months. =(
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