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Old 06-03-2008, 11:40 AM
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urabus knows their stuff

Originally Posted by WRX020
I've been racing sprint karts for more than 10 years now and my unlce is one of the best Kart tuners / engine builders in Australia.
for more info try;

As with race cars, starting karting, there are a lot of things you need to consider before jumping straight in with both feet.
Budget being the biggest factor / restriction facing anyone in motorsport.

You will also need to look at what you want from the sport and this will affect which club you join, what type of gear you purchase, how often you race, which kart shop / engine builder you go with etc,etc,etc.

Pm me if you would like some more info.
Some good info there. 2 mates and myself recently went and bought 3 brand new rotax 125 karts. Said person could not have been ruder considering we were trying to sling $35k at him. Dont want to get into specifics but seems we aren't the only people to have had a run in. Having said that his workshop looks very well set up and I am sure that he produces great engines. He has certainly won some titles.

When they say the kart will cost $xyz ready to race that means nothing. Double it and then you will be ready to race. You need to allow for licenses / helmet / trolley / spares / depending on class tyres every meeting ($260 a set) / trailer / rib protector / shade for the track etc.

It is an awesome sport but it seems all of the 5 kart shops in town Cockburn / Wanneroo / Kartmart / Kartforce / Flat outs need a kick up the ass in terms of professionalism and customer service. Kartforce really pissed us off but he was not a lot worse than some of the others.

You should come down to a meeting before doing anything. There is one at Wundowie this saturday and then Cockburn next sunday. Everyone is extremely helpful and will tell you about the different classes and minimum weights etc.

I dont know if you are going it alone but try and get some mates involved aswell. Spreads the cost of the trailer etc and you motivate each other to get off your ass and go to events.

I am only new at this aswell but would be more than willing to help.


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