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Old 08-04-2008, 09:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Hurtenstein
Well i dont work everyday of the week, and when im having a day off, i ride my bike around...
I've been interrogated on the side of the road, where have you been?, where are you going? type crap. Had my pockets and wallet searched and the serial number of my bike taken down.
Pisses me off being treated like a criminal. I just wanted to know if im allowed to tell them to eat a dick and leave me alone.
I've had the same thing happen to my brother and I, riding around during the middle of the day. Tipped out our bags, accused us of breaking and entering and then tried to take us down to the station for not being at school (private school has slightly different holidays). Just pricks and they can do what they want because all they have to say is they suspected you had something/did something.
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