Thread: Import Monster
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Old 13-05-2008, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by werticusness
pay pal is sus, I wouldn't use it for much $ unless your prepared to have them freeze the assets and basically steal your money. They are not an escrow service and they are not a bank and don't have any laws to adhere to... just do some quick googling to see how many people have been screwed over.
Agree. I had 2k US frozen by them for a week whilst working in the US, along with them informing the person I was transacting a purchase with off of Ebay that I was "fraudulent". I ended up having to take time off from the project I was working on in north west Colorado, drive all the way back to my place in Wyoming 8hrs away just so I could send them documentary proof I was who I "claimed" to be.

They never could understand that I was pissed that they refused to put my money back in my account when they initially froze it. I'd already jumped through all of their fucking hoops to prove who I was before I transferred the money. Wankers. Wouldn't touch Paypal again with a barge pole.
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