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Old 19-05-2008, 05:58 PM
POLARBEAR666 POLARBEAR666 is offline
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POLARBEAR666 at standard level

I'm approaching a 6 pack at the moment. Lost 12kg using Hydroxycut hardcore in the mornings, No bread, pasta, rice or other high energy carbs. Carbs in Vegies and nuts and stuff only. Apart from that been hitting gym 3 times a week as usual but added in cross training in the form of running and martial arts 3 times a week.

The real key though is the hydroxycut. Makes you really feel like you don't need to eat and you tend to work out longer at gym. Go longer between meals.

For snacks weight watchers cottage cheese on rice crackers is perfect. Milk protein turns off your hunger hormone ghrelin really fast.

So in summary.

1. hydroxycut twice a day.
2. Cottage cheese whenever you snack instead of other things
3. no carbs after 6pm and no bread or other heavy carbs except 2 or 3 times eating out each week.
4. Almonds are 100% protein. 5 almonds is the daily protein requirement for an adult male. So snack on dry almonds instead of chips.
4. Enjoy watching 6 pack start to appear and lose 10% of bodymass no probs.

Always consult a dr first though if your an unfit smoking slob and need basic fitness first. =0)

95kg down to 82kg atm. Can finally do chin ups heaps!

Last edited by POLARBEAR666; 19-05-2008 at 06:01 PM.
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