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Old 04-07-2008, 07:29 PM
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phizzle at standard level

Originally Posted by gumby
simple. better training.

Something like the Defensive Driving courses (level 3) would be a good idea, I did it a little while ago, and it focuses on controlling your car, paying attention, driving on a skidpan and trying manovuers like accident avoidence, etc.
All admirable qualities in a driver. However only of any use when that driver is PAYING ATTENTION. Let's face it, most crashes are caused by at least one of the drivers involved simply not focusing on the task at hand. Whether it be sending a text, reaching for the volume knob, checking out chicks/guys/other accidents. I pride myself in the ability to read the conditions ahead, behind and beside me. I make a habit of knowing where other road users are in relation to me. Just ask Dave, spotted him a mile off today This also includes things like pre-empting someone wanting to change lanes or turn. Due to the fact Perth drivers don't seem to know that an indicator lets others know about their intended action rathar than the direction their wheels are pointing at the time it has served me well and avoided accidents I'm sure. Now let me add that paying attention also means observing those pesky things that get in the way of fun like speed limits. A motto I learnt to operate heavy machines and vehicles is; Drive to conditions. These bits of advice certainly won't gaurantee you won't be involved in an accident, but most certainly give you every oppourtunity to avoid them in the first place.

/Rant mode off. Where's my beer?
No more GC8, sad face.
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