Thread: Hating Cops~!!!
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Old 13-07-2008, 04:55 PM
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Angry Hating Cops~!!!

just a post i feel like getting my anger out on.

on saturday night on my way home i went thru a double lane roundabout near home.

cops coming around the corner recons i was speeding?
there was no speed limit sign for the roundabout i was just going a lil fast with some swerve action.

so they pulled me over just to be assholes "whats the rush" "whats the rush"
me in my mind "the rush to shove my feet upp ur ass"

like heck neh il just take it n not cuase more trouble.

so they fined me for not indication out of a roundabout going str8?

100 bux n 2 POINTS WDF??????

like does anyone else indication on the way out on a str8,

friggin dikheads
