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Old 29-07-2008, 04:43 PM
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vyper vyper is offline
Subaru Tech Division
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vyper at standard level

1. What do you believe of Mr Carpenter's proposition to limit the type of cars that P-platers can drive? Why?

It's a bandaid solution. Any car can do 120 km/h down North Lake Rd if it really wants to.

2. Do you think it could help curb the deaths of p-platers on WA roads?

Definately not. Education is the key. Restrictions are bandaid after bandaid solutions. Our box of bandaids is running out.

3. How do you respond to calls from the public that p-platers in high-powered cars are irresponsible?

It is judgemental stereotyping. It's not just P platers having accidents, and I wouldn't be suprised if older cars (read: commodores) tipped the scales when it comes to fatalities.

4. What alternatives do you believe would be a better practical measure to curb deaths on WA roads?

- Compulsory driver training and defensive driving courses.
- Increase in log book driving time requirements.
- Harsher testing and licensing procedures.

It's too easy to get a license on today's roads. There are too many incapable and inexperienced drivers getting their license with minimal effort. Make it tough and make sure they prove themselves worthy.
TD06 - Oink.
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