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Old 04-08-2008, 04:00 PM
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Originally Posted by phizzle
EVERY SINGLE TIME they pull someone over for speeding or get called out to a possible domestic violence case they are risking their lives. What if that person who they just pulled over has a warrant for their arrest and isn't going quietly? The guy who was just threatening his missus and kids with the .22 rifle doesn't think he should calm down?

They most certainly do not get enough money for what they do IMO
Im definately not disputing that their job is dangerous, obviously it is. How often do you hear of cops getting killed in the line of duty though? Cops chances of living through their career are better then a rifleman in the army for instance. As for assults, nurses with ice users, teachers with shitty kids and generally anybody on the street is subject to violent idiots but we cannot carry wepons legally or have the back-up on call that the police force has.
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