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Old 05-08-2008, 07:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Kato
Well I'm going to be different to everyone. I think most cops are great. In all the dealings I have had with the police force (whether it be for car/business/personal) they have always been courteous, understanding and if I was in the wrong told me straight. So I'm not sure what all you guys who 'hate the police' are doing differently.

Personally, I am glad they are there and do their job.

I'd agree with you mate, i had a few run-ins with the law when i was younger and at the time i hated the 'pigs' ..

nowadays though ive had enough experience with them to know that the majority of them are decent normal dudes like us who like cars, beer and women...
there are still the percentage who think they are a dirty harry/rambo of some type and cannot see past the brainwashing that goes on in the training stage of turning someone into a having a cop attitude for life.

my mate who is a cop hates bikies with a passion because the instructors taught them that bikies earn 'badges' / respect for certain violent acts, one of which is raping captured male cops in the ass !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HE actually believes that shit and now hates ALL bikies for fucks sake !!!!!!!!

luckily most cops arent so fucken retarded and know that everyone bends the law slightly them included.
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