Thread: Tools
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Old 25-08-2008, 06:06 PM
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trusti rex at standard level

Originally Posted by meatbag
I am feeling a bit like a girl right now. went to use a screwdriver, and I dont have one. Had a look around, and sure enough, there is only one tool in my house.. Guesses

So, its time to become a real man, and get some tools. What is a man without a tool box... Had a look around, seems to be a fair bit of difference in prices.

Had a look at a 180 piece Sidchrome kit for ~ $1200
A no name 180 piece kit in Kmart for $50!

Obviously you get what you pay for, and there is a lot of differences in the actual pieces you get. But for someone that uses a spanner once every couple of months, is it really necesarry to have a top of the range tool??

Will a 50c spanner actually break? Is there such bad designs that are just a pain in the arse to use? Also, in a lot of kits, they come with a spanner, socket and adjustable wrench. Is there often cases where only a socket can be used and not a spanner or vice versa? and if you have all sizes of sockets, do you really need an adjustable wrench?

Im basically trying to start a collecting mainly for working on the car, (hopefully getting a project car soon) and a bit of handyman and woodwork.
if you're gonna start collecting for a project car i'd be looking at least at mid range tools (imo repco's alright, kincrome etc) not really that much more $$. f@#kin hate cheap ass adjustable wrenches that only ever strip the nuts causing bigger problems. and you'll find those kmart spanners will actually flex when you're trying to undo really tight shit = useless
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