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Old 15-09-2008, 12:32 PM
Potty Training Scoobie Noobie
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Perth
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DVSLYQUIK at standard level

Well aslong as i can get insurance i should be picking the car up this afternoon or tomoz morning i took extended new car warrenty as it had till 05 Sept 2010 so extended it till 05 Sept 2012 for 1200$
It has illegal rear tint at what looks like 15% (same thats on the whole of my Current car but has factory tint on front windows....
Tyres looks ok not new but about 50-60% tread left......

Can someone point me in direction of a shop that would look over the car and be able to tell me if there is anything wrong with it, preferably SOR would be good, was thinking RAC but want something more detailed, as when they done my current car they just checked the stuff i can do my self like oil leaks, tyres, filters, lights, brakes.... i want the mechanicals all checked like clutch, gearbox, compression and turbo checked and a report on whats not right and what is so can make sure i can get it fixed before i start the mods......

Also told them about the mods i wanna do and they said those mods like exhaust and fuel pump and tune shouldnt affect the NCW unless they in direct cause of the problem.....

Cant wait till i pick it up
Took it for third test drive today haha put a grin on my face haha

Oh and getting a full tank of 98 Fuel BONUS ! haha
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