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Old 10-10-2008, 01:32 PM
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vyper vyper is offline
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The split was done to enhance competition. As a merged entity, Western Power had control over everything. By splitting them up, Western Power now only have control of the grid infrastructure (on paper anyway) and Verve are just another energy generator.

I actually made a mistake in my earlier post: Western Power own the grid, Synergy is another electricity wholesaler. Synergy buy power from Verve, and pay a fee to WP for the use of their infrastructure.

Previously, Western Power had a monopoly and were putting bullshit policies in place to prevent private competitors. By splitting the old Western Power into its 4 subsiduaries, each of the new companies has to follow the same governing policies followed by private generators, retailers, etc.

So it wasn't really pointless as such. But maybe it could've been done better.
TD06 - Oink.
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