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Old 02-11-2008, 11:52 AM
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by Huy
What's it like to drive?
awesome is one way to describe it, so is pretty much every other hyperbole you could muster!

endless power in any gear at any rpm. you can drive it off boost and still move along at a decent speed. the car sort of has two personalities. on wastegate and off wastegate. once on gate, all hell breaks loose, the screamer pipe sounds like nothing you have never heard before, a cross between a truck and hipo gtr. you are forever fighting the wheel trying to correct the wheelspin but its not aggresive at all so you quite easliy get yourself out of trouble. traction control stays on most times but when the need arises to turn it off, flat shifting to second or third gear it leaves the most spectacular skid. driving it hard ive had it break out in 4th gear but lucky for me, tc was on!

its a car you slowly get used too, the weight penalty is bit of a performance killjoy but because of its dr jeckly mr hyde personality you can quite easily cruise all day up the coast in total comfort with the stereo blasting, sunroof open and in control, the next breath open the taps for some glorious sideways action!
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