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Old 16-11-2008, 02:02 AM
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Default cops want respect?

You always hear people giving cops shit and sometimes you think to yourself nahh cops aren't that bad.

I think that cops can be pretty decent in the manner in how they speak to you. some cops have the belief that they should just get given the respect, some cops think that they need to earn the respect that they want.

personaly i think all cops should treat people how they would want to be treated and spoken to. had a cop be a right asshole tonight.
yeah i had my fog lights on(not that i actually knew that it was illegal to have them on) and all i hear out of the cops mouth was. 'turn your foglights off or i can give you a $100 fine' and the tone he said it in. omg!

Ended up with the fine.
told him i would prefer the fine if thats how he's gonna ask me to turn them off.

moral of the story.
You want respect?
Treat others the way you wish to be treated!

also, these cops that talk to you like a bucket of crap make it seem like every cop is out to get you.
how gay.
please excuse my vent, just needed to talk some shit and get it off my plate.

thoughts are still welcome
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