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Old 08-02-2006, 11:07 PM
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Originally Posted by Miggidy
sounds suss? what do you mean? Maybe you should have been there to tell them they weren't suppost to hang out and then nobody would have been stabbed eh?

All I know is they all hate us becuase we are white and have money. Bullshit racial crap, they use it as an excuse. They still break in the all the asian student's houses.

EDIT: didn't mean to sound rude above, before friday I wouldn't have believed it either.
hey its cool buddy. If that really was the case then that shit is real fucked up and i hope u n ur buddy are ok.

But just sounds to me like you or ur buddy are owing ppl - or had it coming? I mean, your car basically got fucked up real bad - ppl scratch cars etc - but what they did to ur car was way over the top.

And then being violently bashed the other night by azns n boongs, together - WWF tag team style. Shit like that rarely happens for no reason.

Take everyones advice n get the fuk outa there
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