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Old 02-12-2008, 02:39 PM
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Originally Posted by BALISTC
OK lets see how they resolve this.

The worth of a workshop is not in the work they do, but how they solve a problem.

If they fix this problem with no troubles, then they are okay in my books. If they pass the buck, they are dogs like I thought they were after that first response they gave you.

Why couldn't they just give you that sort of response in the first place???
Taking the side of devils advocate or whatever...

I can sort of see where his off the cuff first response came from after reading his second email. Not saying it was the right thing to do and would certainly of pissed me off but it may have been pretty innocent albeit unprofessional on Simons part.

As you say, the thing now is how they go about fixing the problem. Hopefully they do everything they can and get it sorted so everyone is happy. In my eyes this would be a reasonable outcome and they deserve at least some credit.

If they stuff you around and dont do everything they can, they should be exposed for the wankers they truly are.
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