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Old 23-12-2008, 12:01 AM
stockt12 stockt12 is offline
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stockt12 at standard level

Originally Posted by doadrift
Perth is overpriced and boring. Seriously there is nothing to do. You want to go to the pub and your paying $12.50 a carona :S In brissy pubs and clubs a cranking every night and you can get beer for like $3.00 pint its fucking great. I don't understand why everything is so much more expensive in Perth? The same shops sell clothes/etc. for alot more here aswell.
Why is there always this 50%+ markup on everything in Perth!?!? Same as the Casino... theres no tables so you have to que up for ages so instead of making more $5 tables they just raise them $10 tables and make you wait and end up playing less...
Not to mention its a shit casino, its like 1 big room with some games crammed in it.
The only reason I am still here is my fiances family and the fact I just bought a house and its a shit time to sell.
Perth COULD be an awesome place but because a few people want to dictate to everyone else what they can and can't do or have because they don't like it we are stuck with it.
Also the Perth mentallity of "Theres nothing to do so lets get hammered and bash each other" is fucked up... I didn't see one fight in any pub/club either times I've been to bissy and gold coast. Yet your not in a Perth club 5 mins and some dickheads starting on someone for no reason.
And then theres the price of food and shit aswell...
Fuck this is turning into an essay, I could keep going all night :S
you can get steak and chips her for 6 bucks on tuesdays... there is also this thing called "happy hour" where you get cheap drinks... and you can get pints for 4-5 bucks of decent beer at a pile of different pubs during the week.

Clothes are NOT cheaper. The harbour town there is awful[first year it was fantastic], you have to drive a long, long way to get some cheap slave labor clothing[like you do in perth]

Yep.. you're right on the "let's get hammered and bash each other " thing too.. I was walking through brisbane and it was heavenly... two priests discussing eutopia, a homeless guy jumping into his brand new bmw that was kindly donated by one of the moguls from my monopoly set.

Get out and see the world first.. come up with an objective opinion and you'll see how good perth is... muppet.
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