Thread: Pet hates
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Old 15-01-2009, 08:54 AM
edmands_3 edmands_3 is offline
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Originally Posted by wannabox
Yeah few tards like that around, last time some old guy stared at me for not speeding at all, just noise. I stopped and proceeded to rev it on limmiter for him. Gave him something real to winge about.
Once I had to slow down because some stupid cyclist was on the road (instead of the cycle path just next to the road) and when I got past I got onto boost to get back up to speed. Some old woman at the side of the road waved at me to try to get me to slow down. WTF? I was only went up to 60kph which was the speed limit there anyway, just because I got on boost and accelerated hard. I reckon heaps of people just think because you are driving a performance car you must be going too fast or 'hooning' or something.

I love it when people tailgate me. Usually it is on a single lane road (with a few roundabouts on it) near my house, so I stick to the speed limit with them right up my ass, then leave them about 100m behind at each roundabout
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