Thread: Smoke problems
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Old 17-02-2006, 12:37 AM
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Default Smoke problems

Recently I had my shortmotor replaced by the boys at tenagah with a 99 shortmotor, after the original was found to be corroded. They told me that there may be a little smoke coming from the engine because of all the grease that they have to work with doing a job like that. However, i got the car back last saturday and there is still smoke coming out but more profoundly now. Noticed it when I stopped at the lights on reid hwy this arvo and this evening after picking my gf up from the airport.
I believe it only comes about when I boost or after heavy driving so I'm thinking it may be the turbo. Tenagah did take off the turbo cover that comes with my model wrx (MY95) and didn't replace it. The smoke is white and is coming out of the drivers side of the car from under the bonnet and the drivers side vent and when it's bad also from the right side of the front grill. So far, to me, all that evidence points to the turbo.
It still has the original TD05. do you think this has come about because the cover was not replaced or is this a serious problem? I am planning to take the car in tomorrow (friday) to check up on this problem.
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