Thread: Pet hates
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Old 21-01-2009, 03:55 PM
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urabus knows their stuff

I hate it when your mates owe you money (More than $50) and you dont want to ask for it and they drop off the face of the earth cause they dont have it. Rather than say hey I am short this week but I'll give you $50 a week till youve got it all etc. I spose it is a cheap way to find out whether they are really mates or not.

I hate being allergic to bees and then the doctor will only give me one epipen so I have to remember to take the thing everywhere. Would be much easier to leave one in my golf bag / car / office desk etc. I hate going through the airport with the thing cause they suddenly think your a terrorist and going to kill everyone with .03ml of adrenalin and want letters from your doctors etc.

I hate shit service when you go out somewhere for a feed.

I hate employees that try and call your bluff. They need to realise that everyone is replaceable.

I hate employees that come to me and say that me paying them more money will make them work harder and help find their motorvation again. More often than not it has far more to do with the fact they have developed a crack habit / their missus wants them to leave / just discovered they have a kid from a previous relationship / their car broke down / they have moved on from rollie cigs to taylor mades and cant afford it.

Losing is worse than death. You have to live with losing....
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