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Old 22-01-2009, 08:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Remnant
Uhh, its really easy for me to have a wrx.... on my salary I pay all my own bills (car, phone, net, fuel, etc) and still have $300 a week to spend on w/e i want.
I don't drink / smoke / club / pub, etc. So I can manage to save allot of money. Don't assume people have the same bills that you do, I still live at home, and I know I couldn't afford to leave, thats why im thinking how im going to do it.
But im starting to think it might be best for me currently to keep the job I have untill the economy settles properly. I don't really want to get a nw job and end up getting fired in a couple of months from cuts being made and me not having history with the company.
Good idea mate. Just spend the time doing your research and talking to people in the area you are looking at. Its a fine line between qualifications and experience in a lot of areas and u need to get it right. Have plenty of clever mates with uni degrees who couldnt get a job out of uni because of a lack of hands on experience.

Once you have made up your mind and your real keen then look at night courses, part-time courses and also correspondance is really popular now. Also uni and tafe entry mid-year is a lot less competitve than end of year.

Im a high-school teacher and talk to students about their options all the time.

Good luck mate.


Last edited by axle; 22-01-2009 at 08:17 PM. Reason: typos
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