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Old 22-02-2006, 02:25 PM
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Originally Posted by Kato
Also Amnet do shape you on the new contracts now.
They say they do but I'm pretty sure only the top few % of downloaders get done. I'm on a 10/10 plan & use about 80 a month & never heard boo from them. But as blaise mentioned he's not after downloading.

I've only had a couple of dropouts that I've been aware of in the last 6 months. May go down a few times a day for all I know but it's always up when I go to use it. They may have some downfalls & dropouts.. but at 8/1, 80G's for $49 a month they can spit in my face & pull my hair.

Given it's your first connection tho I'd probably go with Westnet. Just lock in for 6 months or a year & it'll be over before you know it. At least that way you can get decent assistance & if things go bad. Also might pay to get an ADSL 2 modem to save upgrading eventually.
Ho's gotta eat too
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