Thread: Budget 2009
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Old 13-05-2009, 02:16 PM
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Originally Posted by Sphoolin
I believe they call it an 'economic cycle'. Whilst it went up, it has to come down at some stage, just like it will go back up at some stage, so i think you'll be seeing those retards with stupid hair again, Brendon :P.

I spose you could simplfy the current situation to that of a bear in the wilderness. A bear(person) knows that winter(economic downturn) is coming eventually, so it will gather all its food(investments/assets) and berries(beer) to keep it and its family alive during the winter hibination(economic downturn).

So when compared to the people of today, some people are actually less intelligent then a bear. Thats scarey. And they my friends, drive cars. Yes, thats right, people less intelligent then a bear, driving a car. Go figure.
Some Bears (people) didnt believe winter was coming so got caught out in the cold!

Unfortunately winter was warned about but there was no certainty as to when it would arrive, how cold it will be and how long it will last.

The real Bears have it easy!
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