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Old 15-05-2009, 03:01 PM
InaSpin InaSpin is offline
Potty Training Scoobie Noobie
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InaSpin at standard level

No wonder this state is falling behind the rest of the world all the isolation is getting to PPL's heads soon they might start talking to Mr WILSON!! HAHAHA... We need this dalight saving change if it was soooo bad then no one else in the world would be doing it, not only is it good for saving power but you might actually get outside and go for a stroll or bike ride swim etc...

All those grandmas and grandpas need to get over it and get with the times you can do your exercise in the afternoon since there will still be daylight.

PPL with kids thats why roller shutters were invented make use of them.

Daylight savings... Faarrkk Yeh!!!