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Old 22-05-2009, 02:14 PM
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The "NOS Virus" has recently been identified as the single most crippling attack to SkyNet system to date. Little is known of the virus origin, but in 2009 the hacker legend "sti2gsxr" single-handedly hacked a website critically linked to the main internet hub, causing blackouts throughout central Asia and parts of Wisconsin. The site was first introduced to the NOS virus at 3:00pm on 05/19/2009... that's 19/05/2009 to you britts.
The virus is designed to distract global citizens from their daily activities, therefore simply stopping all productivity and development on a global scale.
At this time, there is no known cure for stopping this internet virus, and it has seemed to take on a life of it's own. It has been estimated by webmasters that by the end of 2009, the virus will take over all web pages search engines, and direct all internet traffic to the website. From here, it has been established that hacker legend "sti2gsxr" will simply turn off the internet. When asked why he would ho such a thing... he was sited to say "Omfg noobs. nobody helpz me got my bike to run!" then babbled something off topic about "how could more octane hurt?"
Network analysts are working on a cure, somehow linked to deleting all avatars. While these solutions are tested, it has been recommended by government officials to avoid energy drinks, and use the internet for it's primary functions... searching for porn and playing WOW
awesome post....
Team Black
01 Forester GT
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