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Old 16-06-2009, 03:06 PM
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what is annoying is im fairly sure the majority of us do not have bald tyres, no headlights, no brake lights, bits falling off, cracked windscreens windscreen wipers that dont work and the like.

these are things that will increase the likelyhood of crashes and having cars like these on the road increases danger for everyone else.

but does my screamer, or my straight through pipes or my pod affect the safety of my vehicle? no it doesnt...its just a little more noisy

i can guarantee we all spend more money on looking after our cars than joe citizen yet we are the ones who seem to be getting slapped with the stickers and general bad attention.

i know its not as black and white as this and the fact is, we all knew this before we signed our papers and became wrx/performance car still doesnt change how much all the above experiences etc suck.

and there isnt much we can do about it, except buy daewoos!
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JDM version 3 STi RA
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