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Old 18-07-2009, 02:13 PM
MKVIGTI's Avatar
Subaru Tech Division
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MKVIGTI at standard level

I'd be quite happy to have plenty of cops on the road in marked cars running plates all day ( dump the cash registers when you do it ) and start pinging the useless bloodsucking crettins that are driving around in stolen vehicles and without licenses.

A visible deterrent encourages people to think about what they are doing on the road considerably more than a ticket in the mail a few months after the fact.

If you have a license, rego, drive sensibly and a safely modified vehicle then they should leave you alone anyway. ( I stress the should. We all know there is a small percentage of spankers on the force that make a disproportionate impression on anyone more of an enthusiast than Ma & Pa Kettle )
Stoner & Webber 2011 World Champions