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Old 21-07-2009, 11:37 AM
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stinga stinga is offline
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stinga at standard level

I'm a real smart dog owner.......

Heard my previous Rotty going mental outside went to investigate and couldn't find her, thought she had jumped a fence somehow so here i am hollering for her to come to me, little did I know she had some drugged up fuck bailed up round the back of the house, she finally came and then he promptly smashed a window and grabbed some shit off the table in about 5 secs and bolted, man what a dumb fuc#er I felt!!!

Moral of the story, don't leave shit on tables for people to see and more importantly if you dog is going nuts don't call them to you, she was a wild bitch too so he could have been in trouble. Only saving grace was he smashed the window with a hammer which he left behind so it could have been the Rotts head I guess
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