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Old 27-07-2009, 12:48 PM
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Originally Posted by deviant View Post
Some interesting points of view. I'm guessing the general feeling is that everyone is sick of people sponging off the hard working tax payer.

I find an interesting comparison when comparing Australia with the USA. 40 years a go in the USA an African American was not even allowed to walk on the same side of the street as a white woman, had to work unpaid as a slave, had no rights to education or healthcare and would be beaten and hung simply because they are the 'wrong' colour....that would only be as far back as your dads generation. Look what has been achieved since then....they now have a black president which would have been laughable back in the 60's.

Why can't Australia get it as right?
I think you are picking the wrong race of people to start with, you should be using the American Indians as an example not African Americans whom have assimilated well into society, much like the Chinese, Greek & Italian migrants who came here in the early days, don't try to tell me there are no problems with the American natives with the government pouring billions into them as well.........they still want to live on reserves and sponge money from the government and they have had a couple of hundred more years of Western government than the coons over here..... so until you fix your own country don't fucking sprout on like a typical yank import, fuck off back to the good old US of A and go do some do gooder work there instead.

And don't be a fucking dick, slavery was abolished in America in 1865, you sound like a typical social worker constantly making excuses for the parasites, go take a walk through a couple of the parks around 2am near Northbridge or move in next to a family of them in Balga, or better still go and sit in your car on the main street of Fitzroy Crossing, Leonora, Laverton at midnight and see how quickly you change your mind.
Beaten up old 98 Gen 2 Liberty, 13.0, stock V3 STI running gear.
07 Transit motor home
69 VF & 70 VG Valiants needing full restoration
Yamaha Zooma 50cc rocket hopefully going with the Transit.

Last edited by Pimpreza; 27-07-2009 at 12:59 PM.
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