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Old 30-08-2009, 05:41 PM
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Default S-Series Photoshoot S201 S202 & S204

It wasn't the nicest of days to go out to grab photos of three very rare and very special wrx's together at the same time but why waste the opportunity!

Perth is fast becoming Australia's mecca for all things s series, lets hope this trend continues. Someone surely has to bring in a S203 so we can have the complete set!

It was good seeing visually the evolution of the species from the street racer themed first edition to the stripped out no holds bar racetrack of the second attempt and resulting in a euro class eater and beater of the last. each about as individual as each other but all still sharing that same "S" DNA.

A few trademark, quasi signature touches are strong throughout all three but its those differences which are so many which make them unique on their own.

Lets take the build number plates for example. These show the world and the owner that you are infact driving something special. The 201 like all numbered gc8's has a very unique centre console badge that was pre stamped regardless of actual number in the series given the theme that planning and order was behind it, a purpose. The 202 is totally different with the numbers being hand stamped and not lining up with anything. its like the stainless/alloy plate was a blank and the sti installer had a small three digit stamp that he just pressed on. what was sti trying to say with this? raw....unpretentious? now the 204. very planned out leaving nothing to human error. both the build plate on the chassis and around the gear boot surround has been laser etched bringing a level of sophistication to the series it never had before. For the record its #25, #127 & #318 respectively!

Okay better stop there.....i tend to get carried away, you think, with all this.

Thanks to Graham for allowing us access to his s202 on the day of the sabbath. A short 10min visit turned into a 2hour epic s series morning, hope the family picnic wasn't interrupted, disculpas a al mujer!

As the 202 is on permit we thought it was safer to avoid prying eyes of john q public and our friendly boys in blue and sneak a couple photos (okay maybe a lot) in quiet suburbia with a postcard quality backdrop and to let everyone know, it is infact, Perth!

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