Thread: Pussy Whipped
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Old 02-09-2009, 10:10 AM
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DEDLYWEPN at standard level

Had a former best mate who was exactly like this, and no, i'm not jealous, the bird was pushin 120kgs, total ugger and an absolute bitch to boot! I tried and tried for over a year to convince him to stand up for himself to no avail.

Then she broke up with him and who did he come to for a bitch and moan, I thought "awesome, he's dodged a bullet", back together after a month of her screwin around and gave up on him after that.

Left it to him to contact me when he wanted to catch up, final straw was when I was in hospital for two weeks after a stroke 2 years ago and his mum rang to see how i was, but he never contacted me or visited, true colours came through. Needless to say, still havent spoken, goin on 3 years.

So my advice, give up on him!! He'll have to grovel to his mates when she gives him the flick, so just wait for that day to come, say I told you so, fuck off, and move on over a few beers

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Last edited by DEDLYWEPN; 02-09-2009 at 10:14 AM.
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