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Old 02-09-2009, 02:27 PM
subasurf subasurf is offline
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subasurf at standard level

heheh all this "don't do it" makes me want to do it more But I hear what you're all saying and I know plenty of people have been there, tried that and I'm sure I will by the end of it all. But I spose plenty of the parts I buy for this car could be transplanted onto my next turbo project so I guess it's not all money down the shitter. If at the end of the day I get a car that is only SLIGHTLY faster but more fun to drive then I don't mind. I'm not planning on putting loads into this car so if by the end of it, I've spent a grand or so and nothing has improved then boo hoo. I'll bin the idea, strip what I can and do an engine swap. At least in the meantime I can tinker with an EJ, learn some shit, make mistakes and by the end of maybe I'll appreciate forced induction far more than the next guy

Believe me, I'm not planning on spending loads of cash...if I was I'd just do an engine swap. Trust me guys, I hear where you're coming from, but I really wanna fark around with this N/A motor for a while before I do an turbo EJ. Fruitless, I know, but maybe I'll learn something in the process.
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