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Old 04-10-2009, 09:11 PM
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The issue is that what actual safety risk is there, beyond a bird taking a dump on you..

I supose the point im making is with this policy, you could effectivly lose you job, for not wearing a hard hat while walking to the shitter, in an area that should be risk free, so why the requirement to wear a hard hat, glasses etc..

This is the bit that shits me about people in an office who come up with this shit, they think it might be a risk so they create some half assed policy without real forthought into it...

Im all for safety, but im also all for common sense, and this is where mining is going wrong, there are more accidents because people are not forced to think for themselves, and some muppet in a safety office who rarely actually goes onsite gets to create this shit because the policy he brought out two months prior has made people not think for themselves some more and more people get hurt...
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