Thread: Religion (cont)
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Old 28-03-2006, 09:41 AM
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Originally Posted by STi Tuned
Are you going to tell your kids that what they do doesn’t really mean shit, rob banks, rape whores, do drugs.. you only get one crack & there an’t no repercussions so go crazy.
Awesome, thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!! I was really, really hoping someone would say that!

See, here's the thing. If you need a "god" to stand over your shoulder in order to be a decent person, there's something clearly wrong with you. Why would an atheist automatically do these horrible acts? To quote Adam Carolla (an odd source, I know): "Prisons are full of people that love Jesus, they love Jesus so much they stuck a shiv in a Korean liquor store owner." I would love to know the percentage of Atheists in prison right now for violent crimes and the percentage of christians.

If I end up with kids, I'll raise them as best I could. That involves helping them develop an investigative mind and questioning everything they possibly can without proof. This builds intelligent people. As for having no consequences for rape / murder / etc, what the hell is with that? Those are horrible, horrible acts. Athiests don't need the warning of some hell in order to *not* do something that is clearly bad. We have this wonderful internal dialogue that says "Hey, murder is bad, don't do it" and you know, we just don't do it. It's that simple. Also, when was the last time you heard about an Atheist murdering people (random strangers, their own children) because God spoke to them directly and told them to do it?

Reality is the world needs religion.. any religion, people need to feel that their actions have consequences whether that’s karma, the afterlife.. whatever. Sure we might not have as many wars, but there’d be a whole bunch of people living in some shitty ass countries with absolutely nothing to live for without it.
So what you're saying is that blind faith at the cost of human life is OK, as long as it helps people deal with reality? Oh dear...

Last edited by EvilCabbage; 28-03-2006 at 09:58 AM.