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Old 05-12-2009, 09:15 PM
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maddog maddog is offline
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maddog at standard level

If you trust someone over the internet giving you information on an unknown device that has the potential to totally Chernobyl your motor then you probably deserve your avatar.
Might be safer to visit a workshop, but hell give it a go if your feeling lucky, insert usual disclaimer:

Turbo outlet side of the tee piece has the restrictor pill in it, ref picture line1. Change anything this side and you vary the "gain" or speed that the boost is controlled.
Change the side that goes to the Waste Gate Actuator, line 2, and your potentially going to vary the boost. Might help if you list what the device is that your trying to fit as my crystal ball is going fuzzy again
Speak to Shane @ SMC Tyres, Unit 6/385 Sevenoaks St Beckenham WA 6107. Mobile 0413 128 087. Tell him Maddog sent you!
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