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Old 08-01-2010, 06:22 PM
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urabus knows their stuff

ahh me dak dak. After 2.5 years the fricken thing is licensed. In the end I found someone at welshpool that knew shane (cams scrutineer) and knew what I was trying to do and was most helpful.

So the urabus plates are back on the car but unfortunately it wont be for long. When they finally get around to making us we will have to go over to the new rally plates. I have reserved number 207.

Anyways it is such a relief to finally get the thing licensed. It is never going to be a daily but will be nice to be able to drive to the servo the day before an event and fill up with fuel without havin to load the thing onto a truck.

Much thanks to Mr Lloyd for the loan of a standard exhaust and tyres.

Losing is worse than death. You have to live with losing....
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