Thread: He's back??
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Old 02-02-2010, 10:44 PM
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Originally Posted by jEstEr? View Post
Basically, he is a dick and is not welcome, but because he is still spoon fed at the age of 20 he thinks he can jump up and down and throw a tanty like he does at home and we'll forgive him.
Very well summed up, and I only had a brief 'encounter' with the guy. Through language, tone and general emphasis in replys he presented as extremely self centered even after I had moved heaven and earth 2-3 times during my own working day and made several attempts to liaise to pick up a small item (gear knob). He either was/ then wasn't there, an hour away after we'd established a pickup time, and the list goes on etc... I even offered for him to drop it into Ludwig (as I knew he spent a bit of time in Leederville area). No go, "to far out of his way".

Voting with my feet, I then advertised in WTB section and Brent (SleepR) came to the rescue (top bloke!!):

That same weekend I got a ton of sms from this guy after realising he had not pulled his finger out and potentially lost the sale telling me "the gearknob is here sitting on my desk" "it's ready to go" etc... well that's fuckin dandy that it's sitting on your desk mate, Halleluiah, but how the hell is it going to get to me when your sitting at home and too busy fisting yourself?!! You get the picture...

Funny thing these guys don't seem to understand is who else we talk to via PM in order to get background checks on these forums etc.
From the feedback I got at the time from several users, I had pretty much summed him up!
Now, if I can make that kind of guesswork and draw similar impressions with minimal interaction/ contact- why is it so hard for this NooB to comprehend why so many others wish to steer clear of him here??
"...even my Grandma can drive fast in a straight line"
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