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Old 12-03-2010, 11:44 AM
Papa Het Papa Het is offline
DCCD Donut Driver
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Papa Het at standard level

Some good grown up discussion here guys!

I have a few thoughts on how to approach this, I'm not a P plater and have not been for quite some time.

1. Driver education. The test itself is a joke. As I understand it you dont even have to do an emergency stop and there is no set list of 'tasks' you need to complete to pass. Its not even a set length of time.
Bin the log book idea, all I see are fresh minds being taught some shocking bad habits by being shown how to drive by their equally inept peers.

2. Maybe the power to weight restrictions work but I feel a bit 'flicted by it. I absolutely can not stand the idea of the government directly removing someones freedom of choice and its grossly unfair on those that have done the right thing in getting themselves some quality training or are mature enough to be trusted with a sportscar.

3. If restricting access is truly the only way to stop the handfull of accidents that are happening then lets do something that will improve things for EVERYONE on the road.
Introduce COMPULSORY 3rd party property & personal insurance that is heavily weighted against new license holders.
The benefits are that young people will be priced out of owning fast cars, they might be able to afford the $20K to buy the car but the other $3K + a year makes it unfeasible.
The chances of having your property damaged by an uninsured driver are hugely reduced. All cars would have to have an 'INSURED' sticker that also has the policy number and insurers phone number.
I believe that having to do this yourself instead of just not bothering will instill a bit of personal responsibility in to people. After having to wait years to be able to afford a flash car your not going to want to risk someone making a claim off of you and putting you back to square one on your insurance.

4. The hardest one to fix is attitudes to driving. Sadly peoples driving style seems to be a reflection of their own personality and general attitudes....over the last couple of years I have noticed a shift in Perth people to generally being obnoxious, rude and selfish so we are really screwed in this respect.

5. The government are not going to do the right thing. They just need to be seen to be making some noise and doing something to satisfy the hand wringers wailing "wont sombody please think of the children!" Just look at at the fact that in this latest media beat up they conveniently ignore that 11 in 12 fatal accidents do NOT involve P platers. Again this is government guff, the majority of their voters are in that 11 so the gummint has some 'damning evidence' put in the press then scares the stupid into believing young hoons are killing hard working families by the millions and then conveniently comes up with a plan to save the day.
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