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Old 13-03-2010, 11:50 AM
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Default Question about Key Pad and flashing key

was driving around last night and theres a few things that are starting to confuse me a bit.

if my car is on and i take my seatbelt off and step out of the car, should the anti-hijack system shut the car down once i get back in it? i notice that once i hop back into the car, it starts beeping at me as i start driving off. mate of mine owns a WRP10 and he doesnt have this problem so im not too sure what to do about it???

also, should the key light be flashing while driving? read up in the manual about it but according to the book it says it should only flash if the car isnt started. would this just be a lose connection? only worried about this because the first time it happened the car stalled and then i couldnt start it for about 2mins and when i did it just stalled again. had to turn the car off, take the key out and punch in the code to get it goin. not sure if this would be related to it because later last night i drove around with it flashing and nothing happened? ...

just a lil confused so if someone knows what im on about and can help that would be great
MY02 bugeye WRX - 280whp @ 19psi
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