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Old 18-03-2010, 05:00 PM
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fobz fobz is offline
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fobz knows their stuff

Now I'm going to add my 2c worth. So far I have seen people post
links to information about how the "local" perth residents are causing a problem
in our society. As yet all I have seen from the other side is name calling.

Now, from my point of view, simply calling someone "racist" is what children do.
Act like an adult, if you can't back your stance on the locals with some facts,
figures and research then stay quiet.

I actually challenge anyone to find a study on the net which points in the
opposite direction to what is generally believed by the majority of society.
If anyone does actually find something, THEN and ONLY THEN will I listen to
what you have to say since you can back it up with FACTS not fiction and
name calling.


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