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Old 03-07-2010, 11:54 AM
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Default Buying a car over East, then driving her back...

Hey guys i haven't posted on these forums since i sold my REX a fair while back but the bug has been biting ever since and its time to get me another one!

Problem is the car ive wanted since i was a kid is the evo spec 4 and finding one in WA is not happening! Ive pretty much decided to buy one from over east and was hoping to gain some advice from the wrexperts

The above link is the car im interested in at the moment i spoke to the guy over the phone but the connection was shocking and what i got out of him is

Service history - Yes
Mods - 3" TBE, Gauges on dash, Turbo Timer and Head unit
Claims to have owned the car for "a couple of years"
i forgot to ask about the suspension but from the pics im assuming its lowered

This leads me to my first question, what are people's impressions of the advert? Note he says negotiable im going to push for 9-10k as it was listed for $10900 before i rang him...

The 2nd part of this post is about the costs im looking at getting the fucker back over here, ive priced up the following. i am trying to be conservative wherever possible

Plane rides for me and the co driver (ie the missus) - $400-600 depending on date.

9 Tanks of fuel at $1.60 and fuel additives for country roadhouses with no 95/98ron $1000

Accommodation for estimated 3 nights possible 4 - $800

Food n Drink - $250

Insurance - $100 for 1 month

RAC vehicle inspection (will do prior to anything else) - $150

REVS check - $100 - this is from memory so if i need to be corrected please let me know!

RE-Registering - ??? i assume i will get the remaining rego paid out to me when the car is re-registered in WA and will have to pass over the pits so a few hundred bucks + the years rego i guess..?

Any advice or pointing out what ive missed will be GREATLY appreciated and if you need any more info ill be sure to post it up asap! FYI the TBE and lowering where the only mods i was considering. If temptation gets me maybe a Airfilter/Fuel pump and tune :P

Hope to be cruising with you guys soon
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