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Old 13-07-2010, 01:13 PM
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doadrift doadrift is offline
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I just thought I'd post my run in with the law from the other day. I have no demerit points against me, I always stick to the posted limit as for work I drive a diesel ranger so no point pushing it. Cops that were driving toasted me pulled me over doing 65 in a 50 zone. They told me I was doing 72 but I know I was 5kms uber what I thought the limit was (and the last sign I had seen was 70).
The officer asked me what the rush was and I told him there wasn't one and I was under the impression I was 5kms under the limit. He told me thy even though it wasn't marked, that it was actually a 50 zone. I told him I was really sorry and as my license would show I don't speed and I honestly thought I was obeying the limit for the area. He said no, 20kms over now you'll have points against you.

Fucking pig, I was so angry I didn't even watch my speedo on the way home and was probably speeding the whole way. Then I thought, man this reminds me of my apprenticeship. When people had a go at me i would get angry an not learn. When they "educated" me I would learn straight away. Had this cop taken into account the evidence and my sincerity and educated me and let me off I would always do 50 down that street.

Now I'm not saying let everyone off bit clearly it was an accident. Had I been in the wrx racing down the street deliberately speeding then fair call...
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