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Old 24-08-2010, 08:57 AM
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Originally Posted by cameltoemcgee View Post
I'd have to agree, but i'd go even further and say that anyone who votes labour or liberal, or greens or socialist or anyone who's preferences go straight to a major party(makes it hard to vote for anyone really) is unaware/uneducated or perhaps more accurately, wrongly educated/brainwashed by the mainstream media which is owned by the same corporations whom fund the major political parties, as to what is really going on and who you are voting for when you vote a major party... I'd take it even further and say it is impossible to have meaningful political debates about the left/right wing given the fact that they are funded by the same corporations, how can their goals be any different? the only debate worth anything is the individualist vs collectivist debate - ie: persuasion vs coercion or minimalist governmental power vs totalitarianism.
You really need to lay down the crack pipe.
[COLOR="Gray"]550Nm off a 2L... Just wish it was in the dak dak...[/COLOR]